"Not too long ago, in a dimension closer than you think..."

The Perils of Quad began as a comic book idea. But I became so interested in one character that I unconsciously began to develop his life and his world and 272 pages later I had a novel.

Now available through barnesandnoble.com!

The Perils of Quad Overview

Bodi Hawkes is a teenage foster child with a challenging, yet uneventful life—until he starts to inhabit alternate superhuman versions of himself from four other dimensions. As Bodi struggles to make sense of his newfound ability, a young girl named Phoenix Mack becomes inadvertently entangled in his predicament. Together, they seek out a reclusive physicist, Professor Artemis Hill, to help them.

After Bodi demonstrates his powers for the apprehensive scientist, Professor Hill attempts to unravel the mysterious origin of the teen’s power which lies with his estranged father who he now must find. Complications arise when a sinister rival from the professor’s past, Dr. Victor Maddox, steals Professor Hill’s findings. What will the madman do with this information? Can he utilize it to execute his evil plans?

If Dr. Maddox can duplicate and expand upon Bodi’s ability and use it for his own criminal ventures, the results could be catastrophic. Now, along with his quest to discover the source of his extraordinary gift, Bodi embarks upon an amazing adventure to thwart any evil plans Dr. Maddox may have for his unique talent. But the diabolical doctor won’t go down quietly. What will it take for Bodi, Phoenix, and Professor Hill to overcome The Perils of Quad?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

25 Reeeaally Random Things About Me

1) Once I called the offices of Chips Ahoy and, in a Cookie Monster voice, I tried to arrange for home delivery. The rep was not amused.
2) I like stale potato chips, soggy fries and cold chicken.
3) I've always had a fascination with the Bionic Man, Martial Arts and anything Sasquatch.
4) I buy and rent action movies but I only watch the fight scenes.
5) When I was 21 years old, no film school would take me so I taught myself how to write a script and that same year my very first screenplay made the quarter finals of the Lone Star Screenplay Competition.
6) My biggest fear is sharks but my favorite movie is Jaws.
7) I can't stomach any talk shows, game shows or reality shows.
8) When I first moved from New York to Utah, I had a full on panic attack in the middle of a cowboy store.
9) I can't remember who I go to the movies with but I remember the name of every classmate in my kindergarten class.
10) I don't watch sports, and I don't like Elvis Presley, Willy Wonka or The Beatles. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm sorry.
11) Musicals really bug me. I think it's just because the idea of someone bursting into song in public (not to mention in mid-conversation) is too embarrassing to enjoy.
12) My feet are so flat that when I walk barefoot on a smooth floor there’s a suction effect and they make a popping sound.
13) I like to take hour-long showers and I sometimes go through two bars of soap a week.
14) Mayo sandwiches rock.
15) In New York I ran into an elevator and startled Donald Trump's bodyguard...who almost shot me.
16) I buy a lot of flashlights. I don’t go camping and I'm not afraid of the dark. I just like flashlights.
17) When I was 10 years old I made it all the way to the finals in a Judo tournament, and then I lost…to my sister. Hey, she was bigger than me.
18) Anything involving superheroes...I must have.
19) I have never had any piercings or tattoos. This wouldn't have been a big deal 20 years ago but nowadays it's pretty freakin' rare.
20) Living 37 years in the Bronx and working 20 years in the heart of Manhattan I have never been mugged or attacked. Also rare.
21) Martha Stewart visited the law firm where I worked in New York and promptly tried to get a receptionist friend fired for not taking her coat.
22) At an airport in Florida, a group of girls mistook me for a Spanish opera singer and insisted that I give them my autograph.
23) I played the lead in a short horror film that ran before the main feature "Pieces" at the Fantasia Film Festival.
24) Whenever I buy a book, I never take a damaged copy...which is dumb because I wreck it when I read it anyway.
25) While visiting friends in Arizona last year, my buddy made a joke and I laughed so hard that I passed out. It was the only time I ever fainted.

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Published February 2009

Published February 2009
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